Monday, April 18, 2011

Color Poem

In the powdered white snow
Where we became silhouette's next to  the lavender sky
My canine counterpart was weeping for mama
This is the last withstanding jovial memory I have of my pup
Although this may not seem joyful
Her words were quite literal
As we stood just away from her
This may be the most valued moment I have with her
And even it seems to be an icy haze.

She's gone now
I waited beside her, holding her soft white paw
As she slowly passed
following as cloud nine guided her
I could feel her spirit breeze away from her body
Her chile toned tongue slipped out of her mouth
And a glass tear made it's way down my autumn burnt cheek
Landing softly on her pure white coat

On this tranquil blue day
 I was reminded that a dog can be a man's best friend
But like a best friend,
their lives are also a short palm breeze in the continuous wind.